How to Clean Keurig Elite: A Step-by-Step Guide for Sparkling Results

Cleaning a Keurig Elite is easy and essential. Regular maintenance keeps your coffee tasting fresh.

Your Keurig Elite can brew amazing coffee with ease. But over time, mineral deposits and coffee oils can build up. This can affect the taste of your coffee and the machine’s performance. Cleaning your Keurig Elite not only extends its life but also ensures you get the best cup every time.

In this guide, we will walk you through the simple steps to keep your Keurig Elite in top shape. Whether you are a coffee enthusiast or just love a quick cup in the morning, these tips will help maintain your machine. Let’s get started on keeping your Keurig Elite clean and efficient!


Cleaning your Keurig Elite is essential for maintaining its performance. Proper preparation ensures you have all you need and prevents accidents. Let’s dive into how to prepare for cleaning your Keurig Elite.

Gather Supplies

First, gather all the necessary supplies. You will need white vinegar, water, a clean cloth, and a small brush. These items will help you clean your Keurig thoroughly. Make sure you have everything before you start.

Unplug The Machine

Next, unplug the machine from the power source. This step is crucial for safety. It prevents any electrical accidents while you clean. Always ensure the machine is off and unplugged before you begin cleaning.

How to Clean Keurig Elite: A Step-by-Step Guide for Sparkling Results


Disassemble Parts

Disassembling the parts of your Keurig Elite is a crucial step in the cleaning process. It ensures that each component is thoroughly cleaned and maintained. Follow these steps to disassemble your Keurig Elite easily.

Remove Water Reservoir

First, carefully remove the water reservoir from the Keurig Elite. This is the large tank where you pour water. Gently lift it out of its place. Be sure to empty any remaining water. Rinse it with warm water to prepare for deep cleaning.

Take Out Drip Tray

Next, slide out the drip tray from the base of the machine. This is where excess coffee drips are collected. It may have some water or coffee residue. Remove it carefully to avoid spills. Wash it with soap and warm water.

Detach K-cup Holder

Finally, remove the K-Cup holder from the brew head. This part holds the coffee pod during brewing. Press the tabs on both sides to release it. Once detached, rinse it thoroughly. Ensure no coffee grounds are stuck inside.

Clean Exterior

Keeping the exterior of your Keurig Elite clean ensures it looks good and functions well. A clean machine adds to the aesthetics of your kitchen and prevents the buildup of dirt and grime. This section will guide you through simple steps to clean the exterior of your Keurig Elite.

Wipe Machine Surface

First, unplug the machine to ensure safety. Use a damp, soft cloth to wipe the surface of the machine. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that might scratch the surface. Wipe all sides, including the top and around the buttons. This helps remove dust and any coffee spills.

Clean Drip Tray

Remove the drip tray by sliding it out from the base of the machine. Empty any liquid into the sink. Rinse the drip tray with warm, soapy water. Use a sponge to scrub away any coffee residue. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a clean towel. Slide the drip tray back into place.

Clean Water Reservoir

Cleaning the water reservoir of your Keurig Elite is essential. It ensures your machine runs smoothly and your coffee tastes fresh. Follow these simple steps to keep your reservoir clean and free from build-up.

Rinse Reservoir

First, remove the water reservoir from your Keurig Elite. Empty any remaining water. Rinse the reservoir thoroughly with warm water. This removes loose particles and residue. Make sure to rinse both the inside and outside.

Wash With Soap

Next, fill the reservoir with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Use a soft cloth or sponge to scrub all surfaces gently. Pay special attention to corners and any hard-to-reach areas. After scrubbing, rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residue.

For a deeper clean, consider using a mixture of white vinegar and water. Fill the reservoir halfway with white vinegar, then add water until full. Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. This helps in removing any mineral deposits or build-up.

Always ensure the reservoir is completely dry before reattaching it to your Keurig Elite. This prevents mold growth and ensures your machine functions properly.

Clean K-cup Holder

Cleaning your Keurig Elite ensures a fresh cup of coffee every time. The K-Cup holder is an essential part of the cleaning process. Regular maintenance keeps your machine running smoothly and your coffee tasting great. Let’s dive into the steps to clean the K-Cup holder effectively.

Rinse Holder

First, remove the K-Cup holder from the machine. Hold it under running water. Use warm water for best results. This helps to rinse off coffee grounds and residues. Shake off any excess water before moving to the next step.

Remove Coffee Residue

Inspect the K-Cup holder for any stuck coffee grounds. Use a soft brush or a paper towel to remove them. Pay attention to the corners and edges. If needed, use a mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly to ensure no soap remains.

Reassemble the K-Cup holder back into the machine. Your Keurig Elite is now ready for use again. Clean the K-Cup holder regularly for the best coffee experience.

How to Clean Keurig Elite: A Step-by-Step Guide for Sparkling Results


Descale The Machine

Descaling your Keurig Elite is a crucial step for maintaining its performance. Regular descaling helps remove mineral build-up inside the machine. This ensures your coffee always tastes fresh and the machine works efficiently. Follow these steps to descale your Keurig Elite and keep it in top shape.

Prepare Descaling Solution

Start by preparing your descaling solution. You can buy a Keurig descaling solution or make your own. If you choose to make your own, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar. Make sure you have enough solution to fill the water reservoir.

Run Descaling Cycle

Pour the descaling solution into the water reservoir. Place a large mug on the drip tray. Turn on the machine and select the largest brew size. Run the brew cycle and discard the contents of the mug. Repeat this process until the reservoir is empty.

After the descaling cycle is complete, rinse the water reservoir thoroughly. Fill it with fresh water. Run several brew cycles with fresh water to rinse the machine. Continue until the water no longer tastes or smells like vinegar.

Rinse Components

Cleaning your Keurig Elite is essential for a fresh cup of coffee. One key step is rinsing the components. This process ensures that any leftover coffee grounds or residue are removed. Here’s how to do it properly.

Rinse With Fresh Water

Start by disassembling the removable parts of your Keurig Elite. These include the water reservoir, lid, drip tray, and K-cup holder. Use fresh water to rinse each component. Rinse thoroughly to remove any coffee grounds or residue. Pay special attention to the K-cup holder, as it can harbor a lot of leftover grounds.

Use a soft brush or cloth if needed. Ensure all soap and residues are washed away. Clean parts make better coffee.

Reassemble Parts

Once the components are rinsed and dried, it’s time to reassemble your Keurig Elite. Start by placing the water reservoir back in its position. Attach the lid securely. Next, insert the drip tray and make sure it sits properly. Finally, place the K-cup holder back into its slot.

Ensure everything is snug and secure. This will help your Keurig function properly. A well-assembled machine makes the cleaning worth it.

Final Steps

Cleaning your Keurig Elite is essential for maintaining its performance and longevity. Once you’ve followed the initial cleaning steps, it’s time to complete the process with the final steps. These steps ensure your machine is ready for your next perfect cup of coffee.

Plug In The Machine

After thoroughly cleaning and drying all removable parts, it’s time to reassemble your Keurig Elite. Carefully plug the machine back into the power outlet. Make sure the water reservoir is securely attached. This ensures a stable connection and avoids any water leaks.

Run A Test Brew

Once your machine is plugged in, it’s crucial to run a test brew. This helps in clearing out any remaining cleaning solution or residue. Fill the water reservoir with fresh water. Place a large mug on the drip tray.

Without inserting a K-Cup, run a brew cycle. This will flush out the system. Repeat this process until the water comes out clear. Usually, 2-3 cycles are sufficient.

By following these final steps, you ensure your Keurig Elite is clean and ready for use. Enjoy your freshly brewed coffee with confidence!

How to Clean Keurig Elite: A Step-by-Step Guide for Sparkling Results


Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Clean My Keurig Elite?

Clean your Keurig Elite every 3-6 months. This ensures better coffee taste and machine performance.

What Supplies Do I Need To Clean A Keurig Elite?

You need white vinegar, water, a clean cloth, and a paperclip to clean your Keurig Elite.

How Do I Descale My Keurig Elite?

Fill the reservoir with vinegar, run a brew cycle, then rinse with water. Repeat until clean.

Can I Clean The Keurig Elite With Soap?

No, soap can leave residue and affect taste. Use vinegar and water for effective cleaning.

How Do I Clean The Needle On My Keurig Elite?

Use a paperclip to gently remove any debris from the needle. This ensures proper water flow.


Cleaning your Keurig Elite is crucial for great coffee. Follow these simple steps regularly. A clean machine ensures better taste and performance. Remember to descale every three to six months. Use mild soap and water for parts. Avoid harsh chemicals.

Always dry parts before reassembling. Regular maintenance extends your Keurig’s life. Enjoy delicious coffee every morning with a clean Keurig Elite. Happy brewing!

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