How to Clean Coils on Whirlpool Refrigerator: Easy Steps

Turn off your Whirlpool refrigerator before cleaning its coils. Use a vacuum with a brush attachment to remove dust, pet hair, and debris from the condenser coils.

Maintaining your Whirlpool refrigerator ensures it runs efficiently and preserves its longevity. One key aspect of routine maintenance is cleaning the condenser coils, which can accumulate a significant amount of dust and debris over time. This not only impacts the appliance’s performance but can also lead to higher energy consumption.

It’s crucial to perform this task with the appropriate tools and techniques to prevent any damage to the coils and ensure your refrigerator operates at peak efficiency. Regular cleaning, ideally every six months, can help in avoiding costly repairs and extend the life of your refrigerator. A clean and well-maintained refrigerator is cost-effective and keeps your food fresh in an energy-efficient way.

How to Clean Coils on Whirlpool Refrigerator: Easy Steps


The Importance Of Regular Coil Cleaning

Keeping the coils of your Whirlpool refrigerator clean is crucial for efficient operation. Dirt and dust can accumulate over time, insulating the coils and preventing them from releasing heat. This buildup forces the refrigerator to work harder, increasing energy consumption and potentially shortening the appliance’s lifespan. Regular cleaning ensures optimal performance and can save you money on both energy bills and future repairs. Let’s look at how clean coils impact the efficiency of your fridge and help prevent potential repairs.

Impact On Refrigerator Efficiency

Clean coils are synonymous with efficient refrigeration. When coils are dirty, the refrigerator must work overtime to cool your food. This means higher energy bills and a strained appliance. Ensure consistent temperatures and lower utility costs by cleaning your coils regularly.
Here’s why it’s essential:

  • Heat exchange: Coils dissipate heat from inside the fridge. Clean coils do this efficiently.
  • Energy savings: A clean coil consumes less electricity, directly impacting your energy bill.
  • Longevity: Minimized strain on the refrigerator can extend its serviceable life.

Prevention Of Potential Repairs

Regular coil cleaning not only boosts efficiency but also prevents expensive repairs down the line. Here are a few points to illustrate this benefit:

  1. Reduces the possibility of the overheating of the fridge’s motor and other components.
  2. Ensures consistent performance and prevents wear and tear on the system.
  3. Lowers the risk of a complete breakdown, avoiding costly emergency fixes.

Invest a little time in coil cleaning and reap the rewards in efficiency and prolonged appliance health.


How to Clean Coils on Whirlpool Refrigerator: Easy Steps


Pre-cleaning Preparations

Keeping your Whirlpool refrigerator in top condition starts with clean coils. Before you begin the coil-cleaning process, make sure to complete these essential pre-cleaning preparations. They will help ensure a smooth and safe cleaning operation.

Gathering Necessary Tools

You’ll need a few tools on hand before tackling the dust and dirt on your refrigerator coils. Make sure you have these items ready:

  • Vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment
  • Refrigerator coil brush, to reach tough spots
  • Microfiber cloths, for wiping surfaces
  • Flashlight, to see in dark areas
  • Screwdriver, if your model requires panel removal

Ensuring Safety Before Starting

Safety is the number one priority. To ensure your own safety and the safety of your fridge, do the following:

  1. Turn off the refrigerator to prevent electrical shock.
  2. Remove any food or items in front of the refrigerator for easy access to the coils.
  3. Wear gloves to protect your hands from dust and debris.
  4. Ensure the room is well-ventilated to avoid inhaling dust.

Identifying The Coil Location

Finding the right spot to begin cleaning the coils on a Whirlpool refrigerator is crucial. The location can vary across different models, but typically coils are found in two places: behind the fridge or beneath it. Starting with the correct location streamlines the cleaning process.

Differences In Whirlpool Models

Whirlpool models differ in design, impacting coil placement. Before cleaning, consult the user manual to pinpoint the exact coil location. Here’s a brief guide:

  • Bottom freezer models – coils are likely at the bottom.
  • Side by side models – check the back.
  • Top freezer models – coils might be at the back or bottom.

Accessing Hard-to-reach Areas

Sometimes coils are in hard-to-reach areas. Tools can help:

  1. Use a refrigerator coil brush to sweep away dust.
  2. A vacuum with a wand attachment can remove debris.
  3. For bottom coils, remove the base grille if necessary.

Always unplug the refrigerator first for safety.


How to Clean Coils on Whirlpool Refrigerator: Easy Steps


Step-by-step Coil Cleaning Process

Keeping the coils on your Whirlpool refrigerator clean is crucial for its performance and efficiency. A regular cleaning schedule prevents breakdowns and saves on energy costs. Follow this safe and efficient process to ensure your fridge stays in top condition.

Dusting Off the Surface Debris

Dusting Off The Surface Debris

Switch off and unplug your refrigerator first. Safety comes first!

  • Slide the fridge away from the wall to reach the coils.
  • Remove the coil cover by unclipping it or unscrewing, if necessary.
  • Use a soft brush attachment on your vacuum to gently remove dust on the coil’s surface.
  • Carefully vacuum the surrounding area and the cover before reattaching it.

Deep Cleaning between the Coils

Deep Cleaning Between The Coils

Once the surface dust is gone, it’s time for a deeper clean.

  1. Use a refrigerator coil brush to loosen stubborn debris between the coils.
  2. Run the brush through the coils gently, being careful not to bend them.
  3. Vacuum up the loosened debris with the soft brush attachment.
  4. Repeat this process until you see no more dust particles.

Wiping Down for a Final Touch

Wiping Down For A Final Touch

For a thorough finish, wipe down any remaining residues.

  • Mix a simple cleaning solution of warm water and mild dish soap.
  • Dip a soft cloth into the solution and wring it out.
  • Wipe the coils gently, avoiding any electrical connectors.
  • Clean the floor under and around the fridge where dust may have fallen.
  • Let the coils dry completely before plugging the refrigerator back in.

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Post-cleaning Maintenance Tips

Once your Whirlpool refrigerator’s coils are spotless, the work doesn’t end there. Maintaining the cleanliness of the coils is essential for optimal performance and efficiency. Below are tips on how to keep the coils in pristine condition and ensure your fridge runs smoothly for years to come.

Regular Cleaning Schedule

Maintaining a consistent cleaning routine for the coils is as crucial as the initial cleanup. Aim to clean your refrigerator coils at least every six months. Consider the following steps for a regular cleaning schedule:

  1. Mark your calendar – Choose two dates that are easy to remember, such as when daylight saving times begin and end or on the first day of Spring and Fall.
  2. Prepare your cleaning tools – Ensure you have a vacuum and a coil brush ready for these occasions.
  3. Perform the cleaning – Gently vacuum the coils and use the brush to remove any stubborn debris.

Preventative Measures For Coil Longevity

Aside from a regular cleaning schedule, several preventative measures can enhance the longevity of your fridge’s coils. Implement these practices to keep the coils in their best condition:

  • Keep your kitchen clean – Less dust and dirt mean fewer accumulations on the coils.
  • Avoid overstocking the fridge – Overloading can strain the fridge’s cooling system, making the coils work harder.
  • Monitor temperature settings – Keep settings at optimal levels to avoid overworking the refrigerator.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that the coils on your Whirlpool refrigerator stay clean, which will help your appliance run more efficiently and effectively.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Keeping the coils of your Whirlpool refrigerator clean is crucial for its performance. But sometimes, you might encounter tough challenges. Let’s troubleshoot common issues related to cleaning coils.

Dealing With Stubborn Dirt Buildup

Stubborn grime and dust on your refrigerator coils can put a dent in its efficiency. To address this:

  • Turn off the fridge to ensure safety.
  • Remove the base grille if the coils are in the front, or pull the fridge away from the wall if they’re at the back.
  • Use a refrigerator coil brush to gently sweep away the dust.
  • For dirt that’s tough to remove, use a vacuum with a hose attachment.
  • Brush gently to avoid bending the coil fins.

For persistent dirt, consider a commercial coil cleaner. Apply as directed and rinse carefully.

1Power off refrigeratorEnsure your safety first
2Access coilsBase grille/front or behind/back
3Use coil brushSoft bristles to avoid damage
4VacuumHose attachments for tight spots
5Apply coil cleaner (if needed)Follow instructions on label

When To Call A Professional

At times, cleaning refrigerator coils can be more challenging than a regular DIY task. Call a professional:

  1. When the coils are too dirty and a simple cleaning won’t do.
  2. If the coils have ice buildup indicating a different issue.
  3. When the refrigerator is not cooling even after cleaning the coils.
  4. If you notice coils are damaged during the cleaning process.

Professionals can handle complicated cleanings and repairs safely and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Clean Condenser Coils On Whirlpool Side By Side Refrigerator?

Unplug the fridge and remove the base grille. Vacuum the condenser coils with a brush attachment. Reattach the grille and plug the refrigerator back in.

Where Is The Evaporator Coil Located In A Whirlpool Refrigerator?

The evaporator coil in a Whirlpool refrigerator is typically located behind the freezer compartment panel.

Can I Vacuum My Refrigerator Coils?

Yes, you can vacuum your refrigerator coils to remove accumulated dust and debris. Ensure the appliance is unplugged before cleaning. Use a soft brush attachment for the best results.

Where Are Refrigerator Coils Located?

Refrigerator coils, also known as condenser coils, are typically located either behind the refrigerator or beneath it at the front.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Whirlpool Fridge Coils?

Ensure the refrigerator is unplugged before beginning the cleaning process to avoid electrical hazards. Use a soft bristle brush and a vacuum with an attachment to remove dust and debris from the coils carefully. Access the coils either at the back or underneath the fridge, depending on the model.


Maintaining your Whirlpool refrigerator is key to its longevity. Regularly cleaning the coils ensures efficient performance and energy savings. Remember, a gentle touch and the right tools make the process safe and simple. Keep these tips in hand for your next cleaning session, and enjoy a well-functioning fridge that keeps your food fresh while saving on energy costs. Stay proactive in appliance care for optimal kitchen efficiency!

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